Wyeast Yeast

Showing 21 products

Wyeast 1768-PC English Special Bitter Yeast

Planning on making an English-style special bitter? Wyeast has the perfect yeast for you, and Great Fermentations is proud to bring it to you as part of Wyeast's Private Collection, for a limited time! This yeast functions a lot like their 1968 London ESB yeast. While still a highly flocculant strain, it is ever-so-slightly less flocculant than 1968. It works well in classic English pale styles of beer, such as ESBs, pales, it's namesake special bitters, and ordinary bitters. However, it is also recommended for use in old ales. It is very clean, with a soft maltiness that is fairly neutral, with a slight bit of fruity ethanol character.


Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager

Bohemian Lager is one of our favorite lager strains. It is malty with a crisp bite to it that serves well in the production of a wide range of lagers, from light European and American style Pilsners to rich, malty Bock beers. This strain exhibits a slightly pronounced ester profile. It does very well on all lagers at its recommended temperature range, but it can also be fermented warmer to produce California Common beers and other styles as well. Wyeast recommends utilizing a diacetyl rest with this strain in order to produce as clean a beer as possible.

Beer Styles: Baltic Porter, Bière de Garde, Bohemian Pilsner, Classic American Pilsner, Dark American Lager, Doppelbock, Dortmunder Export, Eisbock, German Pilsner (Pils), Maibock/Helles Bock, Munich Dunkel, Munich Helles, Oktoberfest/Märzen, Schwarzbier (Black Beer), Traditional Bock, Vienna Lager.


Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier

Many brewers believe this to be the strain from Hoegaarden that gives Blue Moon its unique spice and tartness. Whether this rumor is true or not, this yeast is certainly our choice for classic witbiers, and makes excellent Belgian ales as well. It produces dominating phenolics, allowing spice notes, such as clove and peppercorn, to stand out over the more subtle esters this strain creates. It can be tart in the finish and ferment out somewhat dry. Because of this, it is well suited for use in beers with heavy amounts of  wheat and oats, though you might try this with a rye beer as well. Belgian Witbier is a very vigorously fermenting yeast, and excess headspace of 33% is recommended in the primary fermenter, as well as a blowoff assembly. However, it has been known to be a strain that can take some time to fully attenuate, especially when fermenting cool. For making classic witbiers serves with a slice of citrus fruit, there is no substitute for this strain!

Beer Styles: Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Tripel, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Witbier.


Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale

An excellent choice in the production of stouts and other dark beers, Wyeast's Irish Ale strain is the classic strain from the Guiness Brewery. Although it is most popularly used in stouts, it can produce a number of wonderful beers and can be used to great effect with high gravity worts. At lower temperatures this yeast is crisp and dry, with an underlying fruitiness that becomes more evident and estery with higher fermentation temperatures.

Beer Styles:   American Barleywine, Baltic Porter, Dry Stout, Foreign Extra Stout, Imperial IPA, Irish Red Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Other Smoked Beer, Robust Porter, Scottish Export/80, Scottish Heavy/70, Scottish Light/60, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Strong Scotch Ale, Sweet Stout, Wood-Aged Beer.


Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley Ale

Thames Valley yeast is clean and relatively fruit-free, as opposed to some British strains that can be fruitier and more estery. Maltiness comes through in the finish, with some rich grain and honey notes. This yeast has been described as being somewhat minerally, and can lend complexity to beers without having an overly heavy flavor character. Hop character is allowed to come through, and many excellent English pale ales will benefit from this strain. It is also often used in the making porters and stouts, as the cleanliness of this yeast allows for cleaner flavor profiles in both of these styles. An excellent all-around English yeast for a wide array of beers.

Beer Styles: Brown Porter, Dry Stout, Düsseldorf Altbier, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Foreign Extra Stout, Northern English Brown Ale, Robust Porter, Special/Best/Premium Bitter, Standard/Ordinary Bitter.


Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale

Northwest Ale yeast hails from a brewery in Seattle, but has roots in the United Kingdom where it originated. It is known to be a very clean strain even at higher temperatures, with just enough fruit to give character without being overbearing. Light malt characters come out in the finish, which combines well with hops in the final product. This strain is often used in making IPAs and pale ales with an underlying malt complexity, but is a wonderful choice for many American style ales. Highly flocculant, this yeast clears well, yielding crystal clear beers.

Beer Styles: American Amber Ale, American Barleywine, American Brown Ale, American IPA & Pale, American Stout, Blonde Ale, American Pilsner, Fruit beer, Imperial IPA, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable beer.


Wyeast 1335 British Ale II

British Ale II lends a classic British character to beers. It combines high flocculation with a finish that can be, at times, slightly dry, though some have experienced this yeast to be a lower attenuating strain than some other British and American strains. It can be used to produce anything from cream ales to dry stouts, with every style in between. It is also used in a few more highly alcohol styles where malt notes form an invaluable backbone for other flavors.

Beer Styles: American Brown Ale, Brown Porter, Cream Ale, Dry Stout, English Barleywine, English IPA, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Foreign Extra Stout, Irish Red Ale, Northern English Brown Ale, Special/Best/Premium Bitter, Standard/Ordinary Bitter


Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire Ale

Wyeast's West Yorkshire strain of yeast is known for balance. While producing the characteristic British profile full of fruity esters with some nuttiness, its dry finish keeps these notes in check, making for beers that are delicious and quite pleasing to the palette. It has been said by some to have a slight mineral note that is common in some English and British style beers. Cask-conditioned beers and traditional British beers will benefit from this yeast, as the flavors produced by the yeast lend to the fullness of such styles. A great choice for English pales, bitters, browns and stouts.

Beer Styles: English IPA, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Oatmeal Stout, Southern English Brown, Special/Best/Premium Bitter, Standard/Ordinary Bitter, Sweet Stout.


Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale

A yeast strain originating from the McEwans's brewery, Wyeast's Scottish Ale yeast is used classically in all Scottish style ales. However, it is a highly versatile yeast with a good alcohol tolerance and high flocculations, making it suitable for beers of just about any style. Indeed, many brewers (including a few of us here at Great Fermentations) routinely use this as a house strain. Malt character is allowed to shine when this yeast is used. It has an incredible temperature range and can ferment at any temperature between 55-75°F. A cleaner, less estery profile will be created at lower temperatures, and more ester production will occur at higher temperatures. Try this yeast on the suggested styles, or in just about anything you feel like!

Beer Styles: American Barleywine, Baltic Porter, Braggot, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Foreign Extra Stout, Imperial IPA, Old Ale, Other Smoked Beer, Russian Imperial Stout, Scottish Export 80, Scottish Heavy 70, Scottish Light 60, Strong Scotch Ale, Wood-Aged Beer.


Wyeast 3763 Roselare Ale Blend

Roselare is another great blend of yeasts and bacteria from Wyeast, designed to produce excellent sour beers, from fruit lambics and Gueuze to Flanders browns and red. The full gamut of yeast and bugs have been included in this blend: a Belgian ale strain, pediococcus, lactobacillus, flor sherry and two Brettanomyces strains. These all contribute their unique flavor and aroma to the beers in which they are utilized, creating uniqueness and depth of character. A sour pie cherry note is often associated with Roselare, and is very useful in the creation of representative Flanders beers. This blend does well if allowed to come into its own over a period of at least 18 months. Like the Belgian lambic blend by Wyeast, Roselare will change character over time if propagated due to genetic drift, and ferments beers extremely dry, especially with proper time and conditioning.

Beer Styles: Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin, Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Straight (Unblended) Lambic.


Wyeast 1007 German Ale

Wyeast's German Ale strain has a wide temperature range and can ferment down to 55°F. Maltiness is accentuated, though some mild fruitiness can be expected at higher temperatures. Beers using this strain mature rapidly, even when fermenting cool. This German ale strain is less flocculant than many ale strains and may stay in suspension for longer than a British or American strain. A good choice for a wide range of German Ales.

Beer Styles: American Wheat or Rye Beer, Berliner Weiss, Bière de Garde, Düsseldorf Altbier, Kölsch, Northern German Altbier.


Wyeast 1056 American Ale

Wyeast's American Ale yeast is the definitive American ale strain. A clean, neutral profile with low ester production makes this the ideal choice for a wide range of beers, American or otherwise. This strain is used popularly in many breweries and homes alike as a house strain. While it is often used in American Pale Ales and IPAs, its versatility means it can produce many other styles with ease. Medium-to-low flocculation means that yeast will stay in suspension longer than more flocculant British strains, but will produce clean and crisp beers of exceptional quality.

Beer Styles: American Amber Ale, American Barleywine, American Brown Ale, American IPA, American Pale Ale, American Stout, Braggot, Brown Porter, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Cream Ale, Dry Stout, Fruit Beer, Imperial IPA, Irish Red Ale, Other Smoked Beer, Russian Imperial Stout, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Strong Scotch Ale, Wood-Aged Beer.


Wyeast 2112 California Lager

Perhaps our most popular lager strain, California Lager yeast is a very versatile strain that makes wonderfully clean beers without cold fermentation temperatures. In fact, Wyeast states that this yeast is not recommended for cold fermentation. With a temperature range between 58°F and 68°F, beers made with this strain purportedly keep lagers characteristics up to 65°F, though beers fermented warmer than this may also be very lager-like as well. It is known as the quintessential yeast in the production of California Common beer, coming from the California brewery that may have saved the style from being lost to history. Malty and highly-flocculant, this strain behaves like a slightly-cool fermenting ale yeast while producing extremely clear lagers.

Beer Styles: Baltic Porter, California Common Beer, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Cream Ale, Other Smoked Beer, Premium American Lager, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer.


Wyeast 2206 Bavarian Lager

Wyeast's Bavarian Lager strain produces malty, rich beers, and as such is a great choice for a number of malt-forward German lagers. This yeast produces rich, malt-forward beers that clear and attenuate well. Many brewers use Bavarian Lager yeast for bock beers, Munich dunkels and Oktoberfest/Märzens with astounding results. While Wyeast recommends a diacetyl rest after fermentation, many brewers report that this yeast performs a very clean fermentation that throws little to no diacetyl. Pitching rates and temperature can affect results with this strain (or any strain, for that matter). Treat this yeast well and the results will impress the lederhosen off you!

Beer Styles: Classic Rauchbier, Doppelbock, Eisbock, Maibock/Helles Bock, Munich Dunkel, Oktoberfest/Märzen, Schwarzbier (Black Beer), Traditional Bock.


Wyeast 5733 Pediococcus

Pediococcus, A.K.A. pedio, is a lactic acid producing bacteria, and as such is often used in a blend to create complexity and sourness in sour beers, lambics and gueuzes. Because it is known to produce diacetyl, many brewers and breweries pitch it together with a strain of Brettanomyces, which can clean up the diacetyl, as well as add more layers of complexity to a beer. Over time, acid production will increase in beers inoculated with pediococcus. Used when more acidity is desired, pediococcus can be utilized for just this purpose.

Beer Styles: Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Straight (Unblended) Lambic.


Wyeast 3278 Belgian Lambic Blend

Wyeast's Belgian lambic blend is a very unique and complex blend of belgian ale yeast, lactobacillus, pediococcus, a sherry strain, and two brettanomyces strains. With all these different yeast and bacteria in one conveneint smack pack, brewers are sure to produce Belgian-style lambic beers and other traditional sours of unsurpassed quality. Because of genetic drift over time, it is not recommended to collect and reculture this blend if a consistent end product is desired. This blend is also known to be very highly attenuative, and beers often finish extremely dry, especially with extended conditioning times. A great choice in traditional Belgian style beers that are traditionally spontaneously fermented.

Beer Styles: Flanders Red Ale, Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Straight (Unblended) Lambic.


Wyeast 2278 Czech Pilsen

Czech Pils is a strain perfect for use in classic Bohemian and American pilsners, but does well in many dark, malty lager styles as well. This yeast allows malt to dominate in a dry finish that is crisp and satisfying. While the fermentation temperature range for this yeast stretches between 50°F and 58°F, sulfur production can be reduced by fermenting on the warm end, and Wyeast states that sulfur produced during fermentation will dissipate with conditioning. A unique yeast strain that will clear well and produce delicious beers with proper conditioning.

Beer Styles: Bohemian Pilsner, Classic American Pilsner, Dark American Lager, Munich Dunkel, Schwarzbier (Black Beer), Vienna Lager.


Wyeast 3333 German Wheat

German wheat yeast is an interesting strain to use when producing German wheat beers. While many brewers go with Bavarian or Weihenstephan strains when making wheat beers, Wyeast's German Wheat strain can also be a good choice due to many positive fermentation characteristics. More highly flocculant than either of the former strains, it tends to lend banana and clove characters to beers as Weihenstephan does, but these may be more balanced in pronunciation. It is capable of producing clear beers without filtration, as it drops out of suspension easily and more quickly than other wheat strains. Use this when clearer German wheats are desired without sacrificing esters and phenolics. Also recommended in use in German rye beers.

Beer Styles: Dunkelweizen, German Hefe-Weizen, Roggenbier (German Rye Beer), Weizen/Weissbier, Weizenbock.


Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey Ale II

Belgian Abbey II is relatively clean as far as Belgian yeast strains go. While it will produce dry fruit characteristics at higher temperatures, it will remain more neutral than other Belgian strains at lower temperatures. Fermenting higher gravity worts will cause more fruit esters to be produced as well, which makes this an excellent choice for Belgian Strong Ales and, if you're feeling adventurous, even Russian Imperial Stouts or Strong Scotch Ales. It is highly alcohol tolerant, and is known to put off an ethanol character in stronger beers. This character pairs well with strong malt notes that are allowed to dominate by this yeast. It is fairly attenuative, and like most Belgian strains, will stay in suspension for longer periods. The yeast is known to throw off sulfuric compounds that clear up when the yeast is given proper time and conditions, finishing with unique, clean beers with plenty of character.

Beer Styles: American Barleywine, Belgian Blond Ale, Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Belgian Specialty Ale, Bière de Garde, Russian Imperial Stout, Strong Scotch Ale.


Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes

Belgian Ardennes might well be called the American Ale yeast of Belgian Strains. While Wyeast's American Ale yeast strain can be used in the production of almost any American ale, Ardennes can be used in the production of almost any Belgian ale, from light blondes and pales to dark and golden strong ales. It produces a subtle and well-balanced flavor profile, balancing the fruity esters typical of Belgian yeast with spicy and rich phenols. It is highly flocculant, therefore producing very clear beers with little effort. Try this in just about any Belgian style!

Beer Styles: Belgian Blond Ale, Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Specialty Ale, Belgian Tripel, Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin.


Wyeast 5526 Brett Lambicus

Brettanomyces Lambicus, like many of Wyeast's wild yeast strains, comes from a Belgian brewery. Its dominant aromatic component is a very distinctive sour pie cherry, which comes through in the nose and on the palate, together with traditional leathery Brett notes. The character that this strain of Brett produces are highly sought after and go well in many different sour beers, especially fruit lambics. It works best in conjunction with other yeasts and bacteria in a blend, creating an unparalleled Belgian sour profile. Wyeast recommends conditioning with Brett Lambicus for 3 to 6 months to fully develop its unique flavor and aroma properties.

Beer Styles: Berliner Weisse, Flanders Red Ale, Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Straight (Unblended) Lambic.


Showing 64 - 84 of 96 results